Journey To Better Sleep

Holidays should be all about relaxation, but travelling overseas can disrupt your sleep pattern and leave you feeling more exhausted and cranky than before. At MUJI, we're all about making your trips better by focusing on rest and relaxation, so you can get a good night's sleep while you're away. We'll help you feel truly rested on your holiday, so you come back refreshed and ready to tackle anything.

How Rested Do We Really Feel After a Holiday?

Ever returned from a holiday feeling like you need another one right away? You’re not the only one. Despite the anticipation of rest and relaxation, many of us face significant sleep challenges when away from home, which leads to us feeling tired and unable to fully enjoy our holiday experiences.

Our survey of 2,000 UK adults revealed some startling insights into how rested we feel following a holiday, and how our sleep pattern affects this.

We found that the top 3 sleep disruptors abroad are:

  • Bedroom temperatures being too warm
  • Noisy locations and hotel rooms
  • Uncomfortable beds


Nearly half of us have returned from a holiday feeling like we need to book another.


More than a quarter of us feel anxious about getting a good night's sleep whilst away.


Less than 1 in 10 of us regularly enjoy a good night's sleep while on holiday.

Tailor Your Holiday for Better Sleep

Which European holiday destination aligns with your sleep preferences the most?

Take part in our interactive quiz to find locations with the ideal temperature, noise levels, and activities for you. We’ll ensure your next holiday is perfectly suited to your preferences, whether you want to relax on the beach all day or party the night away!

The Importance of Restful Sleep on Holiday

Many of us book holidays specifically to find rest and relaxation, seeking a break from our busy day-to-day routines. Downtime and rejuvenation is prioritised as we look to return home feeling refreshed and recharged.

Despite this, sleep disruptions while we’re away can result in feelings of exhaustion and frustration, undermining the very purpose of the holiday. Instead of returning home refreshed, we may find ourselves needing another break to recover from our initial holiday.

Quality sleep during travel is crucial - it directly impacts our wellbeing, mood, and ability to enjoy holiday experiences. Ensuring restful sleep can transform your experience, allowing you to fully enjoy your time away and return feeling truly refreshed.

Sleep Expert Tips for a Restful Holiday

We spoke to Dr Neil Stanley, Chairman of the British Sleep Society, who emphasised the importance of prioritising sleep during holidays to avoid burnout. In order to feel fully rested, he suggests:

Choose the right holiday destination
Select a holiday location that matches your sleep preferences. This will help you to acclimatise when you reach your destination and ensure you get the rest you need.

Focus on rest
Don’t focus on trying to make your holiday look Instagrammable, instead focus on prioritising rest and relaxation. This will leave you feeling rejuvenated, recharged and ready to tackle new challenges when you return home.

Create a sleep-friendly environment
Take familiar items such as your favourite pillow or eye mask away with you. This will help you sleep better from the very start of your holiday and promote a sense of comfort and security.

By following these expert tips, you can maximise your holiday’s restorative benefits and ensure you return home feeling truly rejuvenated.

"The quality of your sleep can make or break your holiday experience. It's not just about the destination, but how well you rest while you're there. A few simple adjustments, such as selecting accommodations that cater to your sleep needs and bringing along personal sleep aids, can significantly enhance your rest. Remember, a truly relaxing holiday is one where your mind and body are both refreshed."

Dr Neil Stanley, Chairman of the British Sleep Society

Enhance Your Sleep Experience

Explore our blog posts for additional sleep tips and discover how to improve your sleep quality.